How it all began

My journey into health and wellness began in my early 20s with a curiosity for essential oils, crystals, and the philosophy of metaphysics. These tools sparked a deeper understanding of how energy and intention influence our well-being.

When I became a mother, my focus shifted toward finding natural ways to care for my family. From soothing bumps and bruises to addressing my son’s eczema, I was driven to uncover the root causes behind these issues, rather than just treating the symptoms.

Seventeen years ago, I faced my own health challenge when unexplained inflammation in my knees and ankle left me searching for answers. An initial diagnosis of lupus (SLE) was both shocking and overwhelming, but after further tests, I was told it was reactive arthritis. Although less severe, the prospect of a lifetime on medication to manage inflammation—not the root cause—didn’t sit well with me.

Six months into the treatment, I became pregnant and had to stop the medication. Remarkably, my body healed on its own, and the inflammation disappeared. This experience solidified my belief in the innate healing capacity of the body when given the right conditions.

Fast forward to 11 years ago: my husband’s cancer diagnosis became the catalyst for even deeper exploration and transformation. I vividly remember sitting in the doctor’s office, asking what we could do to support his body before and after surgery—nutritionally, emotionally, or physically. The only advice we received was, “Don’t gain weight; it will make surgery harder.”

I was stunned. While the surgeon was an expert in his field, there was no guidance on holistic ways to support healing or even where to start looking for answers. This lack of information and support was a turning point for me. It propelled us into a journey filled with research, trial and error, and a rollercoaster of emotions—anger, hope, frustration, gratitude, and everything in between.

Over these years, I’ve learned that true health isn’t about a single solution or one-size-fits-all approach. It’s about connecting deeply with your body, understanding how it works uniquely for you, and addressing health from every angle—physical, emotional, and environmental.

Through my experiences, I’ve come to believe that wholeness in health comes from self-awareness, emotional openness, and recognizing how our environment influences us. It’s a journey of empowerment, and it’s one I’m passionate about sharing with others.

About Me

My HD (Human Design) is an Emotional Generator with a 2/4 profile

My sun sign is Sagitarius and my moon sign is Pisces with Leo as my rising sign.

Astrologically I am a Fire sign but I love to connect regularly with all of the elements.

There was a time when I felt disconnected—physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My journey toward self-informed and empowered health began as I started to peel back the layers of what was keeping me from feeling whole. I discovered that true healing isn’t just about addressing symptoms but about understanding the deeper influences on our well-being. Emotional traumas, physical toxins, lifestyle choices, and the constant pull away from nature all play a role in creating imbalances in our lives.

Through my own exploration, I’ve learned how to listen to my body’s innate wisdom, release what no longer serves me, and reconnect with the earth. Reconnecting to nature became a pivotal piece of the puzzle for me—reminding me of my own nature within. This journey has shaped everything I offer and the way I show up in the world. It’s about more than healing; it’s about remembering that we are whole and that true transformation starts from the inside out.

I invite you to join me on this path of self-discovery and reconnection. Together, we’ll explore the ways we can return to our truth, embrace our innate capacity for healing, and honor the connection between ourselves and the world around us. Whether through a ritual, a nature-based experience, or the simple practice of pausing to breathe, this is a space where you are seen, held, and guided back to yourself.

Connect with me

If you are wanting to connect for a chat to see how you could start your own journey of transformation and reconnection to self you can book a free 20 min call via the ink below