Connecting with Ourselves and the Earth

Over the last 10 years on my own personal health and wellness journey I have learned and experienced what I can only describe as a coming home to both myself and Nature.

It has been quite a ride and others might describe it as an awakening, for me it feels more like a reconnecting, with that which my human form already knew but that I (my soul, energy body, consciousness) had disconnected from.

Our bodies are highly intelligent and are a biological and energetic miracle, they have the capacity and innate knowing of how to heal and return to wholeness given the right conditions.

We are not separate from mother nature, we can thrive via mutual reciprocity, if we listen and are open to connect with her wisdom there is much we can learn.

Like plants we benefit from sunshine and water, we also benefit from microbial exchange like when we put our hands or feet in the earth.

I have experienced a reconnection to the innate healing capacity of my body and listened to her whispers, it is not an easy path by any means but I know that anytime I am struggling I will be supported by tuning to nature for her guidance and wisdom, sometimes this looks like taking a walk in a national park, climbing a tree or just sitting at the beach watching the waves crash on the sand, at times it is just as simple as taking off my shoes and socks and standing on the ground and connecting to my senses and my breath.

The electrical field of the planet is something that is also supportive to our bodies, by being in direct contact with the earth eg.placing our bare feet or hands directly on it we can receive multiple benefits ,this is called “grounding”.

When we “ground” there is an electron exchange between our body and the earth, this practice has been researched and it has shown to reduce stress, improve sleep, reduce inflammation, and promote overall well-being by restoring a natural flow of electrons to the body.

Most of us spend most of our time indoors during the day when we are at work, we’re usually in unnatural environments—think air conditioning, artificial lights, and floors that keep us from touching the ground directly. Over time, this can make us feel disconnected from nature. If we don’t balance it out by spending time outside, it can add up and affect our health, often making us feel more stressed or worn out.

Grounding, or earthing, is a simple way to reconnect with nature by standing or walking barefoot on grass, soil, or sand. It helps our bodies feel balanced and relaxed. It’s like hitting a "reset" button for our well-being by getting back in touch with the earth.

Currently I am experiencing a resurgence of inflammation in my body which is partially due to a detox process I am undertaking and also most likely due to my lack of time spent in natural environments. I also intuitively feel there are some unconscious emotions that I have not yet recognised that are showing up in the form physical symptoms to be released from the body.

I have been reminded by my body how good it feels when it is exposed to nature and as of this week I will be returning to my daily nature practise where I spend time each day reconnecting and grounding.

There are also grounding products you can buy to use in your home and office that are very effective (we have a grounding sheet on our bed) but they are not a replacement for the real experience of feeling the earth beneath your feet.

I hope this inspires you to give grounding a go,

make it a daily/weekly ritual,

be consistent,

you will feel much better for it.

From my heart to yours

Noela xx


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