It all starts here


I am so glad that YOU are here!

It is my wish to create a community where beautiful humans can connect with me and my experiential philosophy on this human existance.

I will share what I know to be true for me, some of which is supported by science and some that is an intuitive knowing or comes from my own journey.

My Intention is not to convince you of anything nor is it to tell you how you need be, we are all individuals and our experiences in this life will differ, I will be honest and vulnerable about any challenges I face and how I manage those ups and downs in the hope that you will remember that you are here to learn and discover what it means to be you.

I will share my experiences of being called to go inwards to connect with my mind, body and soul as well as share the tools and practises I use to become closer to a state of wholeness each day.

I have discovered that so much support and wisdom can be found in nature and all her gifts, it is a passion of mine to support my family’s health where I can by tapping into nature and our own innate healing capacity.

I look forward to sharing everything I am passionate about, some of the areas I will mention on my socials and in upcoming blogs will be:

  • Creating powerful daily rituals that are aligned and supportive to long lasting transformation in your life.

  • To understand the benefits of living in a deeply connected relationship with nature.

  • Understanding what lifestyle choices have the potential to contribute to disease.

  • Creating a deep internal awareness of your body and emotions.

  • Options for supporting better health outcomes that are not mainstream and why you should explore them.

  • Living in the present moment and being in love with your life.

I look forward to connecting with you all, if you feel you need more clarity on anything I share in the future please feel free to reach out either via email or via a message on socials, I will be happy to explain my perspective but if things I say don’t resonate with you that’s ok too as we are all very unique individuals who have all had different life experiences.

From my heart to yours

Noela xx


Connecting with Ourselves and the Earth